About Beam College

Beam College is a free educational program provides a hands-on training to solve data processing use cases using Apache Beam. The program offers live online training sessions which are then made available on-demand for future reference. It is designed to be flexible, so the participants can sign up and join live the sessions on topics of their interests and needs.

Who is Beam College for?

  • Users who would like to uplevel their data processing skills and make their day to day job more productive with Apache Beam.
  • Users who would like to drive increased value for their existing technology investments built on Apache Beam with practical tips and hands-on training.
  • People new to data processing who are interested in learning about ways to solve their business case with leading streaming analytics technology

What you will learn from the training

  1. The data processing ecosystem: how Beam fits in and real business case examples such as real-time monitoring, ML inference and etc.
  2. Beam under the hood including Beam model and components, DAG and Beam components with demos.
  3. In-depth review of advanced topics with hands-on exercises on sources and sinks, joins and PCollection splitting, advanced grouping, custom containers, multi-language pipelines and more.
  4. Lifecycle management of a data pipeline: Performance optimization, Cost optimization and Debugging.